On Palestine and Israel


Note: The English version is the original text and in some places contains a sharper analysis than the German translation. If things seem unclear to you, feel free to read also the english version.

For seven long months, we have been watching an intensification of absolutely horrific carnage, death, and destruction in Palestine. The region has turned into a stage on which genocidal rhetoric and practice, the indiscriminate killing of civilians, do not only take place, but also stream live the abyss of human civilization to the whole world. In the meantime a deeply problematic discourse about these events, their historical roots, and even efforts of legitimization around the world unveil itself; in particular in Germany.

For seven long months, we, Perspektive Selbstverwaltung, an anarchist organization in Berlin, have been silent about this. With this statement, we want to end this silence, which many of us have seen as complicity in an unfolding genocide in Gaza. We would like to clarify at the beginning, that the Palestinian and the Israeli societies are, like all societies, heterogeneous, full of internal contradictions and (conflicting) movements with different perspectives, which are important to learn about and take into account, to gain a deeper understanding of the region, its history and the ideologies at work.

This being our organization’s first statement on the matter, the aim will not be to provide an in-depth analysis of the matter but a clarification of where we stand. There are many organizations and individuals who have deeper knowledge, experience and analysis on many aspects of this topic than we do.{{To name some: 972 Magazine, Standing Together, Palästina Spricht, Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost, Jewish Bund, Azadeh Sobout, Sara Roy, Edward Said, Ella Habiba Shohat, Iris Hefets, Naomi Klein, Judith Butler, Ilan Pappe}}

In the following text, we will clarify our positions on the German discourse, the historical roots of the current situation and the conflict, the 7th of October and the ongoing genocidal war in Gaza, additionally we will provide a self-criticism regarding our silence. We welcome constructive criticism and solidarity-based discourse. „On Palestine and Israel“ weiterlesen

Fundraiser for comrades in Russia who resist the war in Ukraine

Russia has been waging an imperialist war against Ukraine since February 2022, and anarchist comrades and activists from the left movement as a whole are engaged in a variety of ways to stop this aggression. However, the Russian invasion is not only being fought in Ukraine by Russian and Ukrainian anarchists, but also in Russia people are organizing to oppose Putin’s murderous policies from within. Regardless of how the war develops on the battlefield, it can only be ended with a true political change from below in the region. This is precisely why it is so important now to support those people who are organizing within Russian society and fighting for an equal and domination-free alternative – against oligarchic capitalism and against the imperialist war of aggression.

The funds from this fundraising campaign will go to two groups. „Fundraiser for comrades in Russia who resist the war in Ukraine“ weiterlesen

Suruç Massacre Commemoration

Filmscreening, Input and Discussion

July 21st 2023 | 7 pm
Mahalle (Waldemarstr. 110)

Deutsche Version Hier

Türkçe Versiyon Aşağıda

20 July 2015… People from different cities, with different ideologies and backgrounds were waiting to cross from Suruç to Kobane with the campaign „We Defended Together, We Build Together“ with the call of SGDF (Socialist Youth Associations Federation). Our friends, comrades, and loved ones, who aimed to cross to Kobane to take part in the construction of basic and humanitarian needs such as schools, playgrounds, libraries, and infrastructure after the war and destruction, were subjected to a suicide bomb attack by the Islamist ISIS gang while they were making their press statements.

„Suruç Massacre Commemoration“ weiterlesen

Sudan & Iran – Building Power from Below

Podium Discussion with Sudan Uprising Germany and Mahabad International (Solidarity Committee with the Revolution in Iran)

June 16th | 6 pm
Mahalle (Waldemarstr. 110)

Deutsche Version

2018 was the year when fate once again brought together Sudan and Iran, which have been marked by recurring waves of protests in recent decades. As everywhere, and especially in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa), our struggles are bound together. „Sudan & Iran – Building Power from Below“ weiterlesen

Fundraising Campaign: Support the Emergency Groups of the Resistance Committees in Sudan

Deutsche Version

Donate here via Go Fund Me

Long forgotten by the media, the resistant people and civil society in Sudan are once again facing great difficulties. After the people overthrew the dictator Omar Al-Bashir in 2019 in a first wave of revolution and the military first refused to hand over its power to a civilian government, and then made a coup in 2021, the country is now in the middle of a war between two militaries competing for power – the army and the RSF militia. Since there are also fights in the capital Khartoum, the civilian society is directly affected.

With their many years of experience in resistance and decentralized self-organisation, the Resistance Committees, heart of the revolution, have now set up „Emergency Groups“ as a reaction to the fighting. Among other things, they organize medical care and help people travel safely. We do not want to leave our friends, comrades and in general the people of Sudan alone to their fate. That is why we are collecting donations to support the „Emergency Groups“. Do your bit too!

The donations are being collected by Perspektive Selbstverwaltung, an anarchist organisation in Berlin, and Sudan Uprising Germany, a Sudanese diaspora-organisation in Germany.

More information on the Resistance Committees and the anarchist movement in Sudan can be found here.


Streiks im Gesundheitssystem: Lohnerhöhung und dann?

Eine Podiums Diskussion mit Gesundheit statt Profite, Young Care, Walk of Care und der FAU

English below

19.05.23 | 18:00 
Stadtteilladen Mahalle
Waldemarstr. 110, 10997 Berlin

Die Berliner Krankenhausbewegung ist bundesweit bekannt für ihre Durchbrüche bei den Entlastungstarifverträgen. Durchgesetzt wurden sie durch einen 4 Wöchigen Streik mitten in der Wahlkampfzeit. Umso enttäuschender das ernüchternde Ergebnis der Verhandlungen im TVöD. Wieso wurde dieser historische Moment derart verspielt?

Wie verhält sich die Linke Szene zu den großen Gewerkschaften? Was können Tarifstreits erreichen? Können wir überhaupt mehr als Lohnerhöhungen erkämpfen? Welche Kampfformen gibt es als Ergänzung zu Streiks und was kann die Rolle von einer solidarischen linken Bewegung darin sein? 

Über diese Fragen und mehr diskutieren wir mit Gesundheit statt Profite, Young Care, Walk of Care und der FAU – und mit euch! Seid dabei, am 19. Mai, 18 Uhr im Stadtteilladen Mahalle (Waldemarstr. 110, 10997 Berlin).  


„Streiks im Gesundheitssystem: Lohnerhöhung und dann?“ weiterlesen

In Memory of all Fallen Revolutionary Comrades fighting Russian Imperialism

Deutsch unten

Statement by the Combat Organization of Anarcho-Communists (BOAK)

Its a dark day for the entire anarchist movement and for our organization in particular. April 19 2023, near Bakhmut in Ukraine, our friend, one of the founders and active participant of the Combat Organization of Anarcho-Communists (BOAK), Dmitry Petrov, martyred fighting for freedom.

„In Memory of all Fallen Revolutionary Comrades fighting Russian Imperialism“ weiterlesen

Veranstaltung: Arbeiter*innenselbstverwaltung als soziale Perspektive: Vio.Me in Thessaloniki, Griechenland

English below

18. Februar, 16.00 Uhr
New Yorck, im Bethanien
Marielle-Franco-Platz 2A (Mariannenplatz 2A)

Die besetzte, selbstverwaltete Fabrik von Vio.Me. besteht nun schon seit 10 Jahren. Nach der Schließung der alten Filkeram-Johnson-Fabrik durch die Eigentümerin beschlossen die Arbeiter*innen, ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und nicht untätig zu bleiben. Mit der Besetzung der Fabrik und der Entscheidung, unter Arbeiterselbstverwaltung zu arbeiten, beschlossen die Arbeiter*innen, die Produktion auf eine soziale und ökologische Weise umzustellen. Aus dem Fliesenkleber stellt Vio.Me. nun ökologische Reinigungsmittel für alle Verwendungszwecke her, und zwar zu Preisen, die für die breite Gesellschaft erschwinglich sind. „Veranstaltung: Arbeiter*innenselbstverwaltung als soziale Perspektive: Vio.Me in Thessaloniki, Griechenland“ weiterlesen

Organizing under a military dictatorship. An interview with Sudanese Anarchist Gathering

Two pictures. Left a picture of some anarchists in demonstration. They hold white flags with red circled A's. On the right: Two anarchists holding a red and black flag with a white circled A on it.
Two pictures of anarchists in Sudan

[Schau hier für die deutschsprachicher Übersetzung des Interviews]

As the internationalist section of the anarchist organization Perspective Selfmanagement, this summer we spoke with various revolutionary groups in Sudan about their work and the political processes on the ground. The following interview with the group „Sudanese Anarchist Gathering“ was done by e-mail. Due to the language barrier(s), a difference in political socialization and terminology, some difficulties arose in our communication. This has greatly delayed the publication of the interview which was held August 2022. Questions as well as answers have been translated and edited for better readability. However, we are now happy to share the interview and understand the previously mentioned hurdles as a logical part of internationalist work. „Organizing under a military dictatorship. An interview with Sudanese Anarchist Gathering“ weiterlesen